Kevin Reynolds Soap Bubbles - From Beginner to Advanced

Soap Bubbles - From Beginner to Advanced

Presented by Kevin Reynolds, Canandaigua, NY


Half Day Project


Offered Once


Bubbles can be in any size


Bubbles are best in no wind to low wind.


No Sew Project


Class Size - 20


All Skill Levels

Description: Kites and bubbles go together perfectly. When there isn't enough wind for kiting, you can switch to making bubbles. Be the star attraction at festivals and parades!

Workshop participants will learn the secrets to successfully making soap bubbles from big to giant. You will be making two bubble wands. A garland wand that makes lots of small to basketball size bubbles from each dip and a larger tri-string loop for really big bubbles.

Kevin will demonstrate the preparation of the great bubble mix he makes from simple, inexpensive ingredients as well as a more advanced recipe. Discussion will include tips for when you would select one over another as well as how to adjust for weather conditions. The workshop notes will provide reference sources for finding additional recipes, ingredients and wand materials.

The base workshop includes the wand materials with simple 4' bamboo handles and the ingredients for making 1 gallon of bubble stuff.

Optionally, you may choose to upgrade to 8 foot telescopic fishing poles for $24 per pair. These will be the same poles Kevin uses and the extra length helps to lift your bubbles above the kids hurrying to pop them all.

Supplies/Equipment Needed for class -- please bring: Scissors for string, tweezers or small needle nose pliers may be helpful. All other materials provided.

KIT ORDER CUT OFF: by 2/03/2017 Extra kits available to any 2017 U-MAKE Registrant

KIT PRICE: Project is $15 US for basic kits with 4' bamboo handles. You can upgrade to 8' telescopic fishing poles for an additional $24 (two poles). Also included are ingredients for making 1 gallon of bubble stuff.