Wayne Brunjes Overview of Craft Cutters

Overview of Craft Cutters

Presented by Wayne Brunjes, Livonia, MI


The sky's the limit!


Friday Night Project


Offered Once


No Sew Project


Class Size - 20


All Skill Levels


Design for ANY wind range with the Versatility of Craft Cutters

Overview of Craft Cutters

This is a very high overview of what will be covered in the Saturday and Sunday classes, but because these craft cutters are so applicable for kite making, if you can't fit my main class into your Sat/Sun schedule, this is your chance to learn a little bit about these great machines!

Saturday and Sunday class full description is below.........sorry, Friday Night Class won't be in as much detail....but this is a great class, and we wanted everyone to have a chance to learn!

Craft cutters are not just for scrapbooks. Cutters are a tool for you to use to the fullest, and are limited more by your imagination then the functionality of the machine. Whether you use a pen tip or knife tip this class will explain the versatility of how you can use the handy machines. These machines can do many things to assist you in your kite making endeavors. As I show you what can be done I hope you will start to think about your own projects. These craft cutters have become more affordable and I can show you how they can pay for themselves in no time. Designing, cutting, and sizing are just a few ways to save loads of time.

I will go over topics such as:

• cutting fabric

• creating appliqué

• pattern making

• designing projects

• designing

• software

There are many machines available on the market we will discuss several, go over file types and additional software that may help you along. I will demonstrate multiple techniques in pattern making. Setting up a proper patterns to draw out or cut. Show you how to cut fabric and how these machines can help you with your new creations by rapid prototyping.

Of course we will discuss a primary function of these cutters by cutting vinyl for decals, signs, and paint masks.

Supplies/Equipment Needed for class -- Paper and pencil, camera, laptop optional

CLASS ORDER CUT OFF: by 01/04/2019

NO Extra kits available--Technique driven class. Please attend. Especially if you cannot attend the longer Saturday or Sunday classes

CLASS PRICE: Project is Free