Barbara Meyer

Transition Della Porta Kite

Transition Della Porta Kite

Presented by Barbara Meyer, Maple Grove, MN

Barbara Meyer Transition Della Porta Kite

TYPE OF CLASS: Sew Project

CLASS SIZE: Class Size - 12

SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate

CLASS LENGTH: Full Day Project

TIMES OFFERED: Offered Twice

SIZE OF PROJECT: Project is approximate 60 inches high, X 30 inches wide

WIND RANGE: Transition Della Porta flys best in light to medium winds

Barbara will be returning this year to teach a Transition Della Porta kite complete with a 25 foot fuzzy tail. Start with squares, stack, slice, rotate, insert, sew. Repeat, repeat, repeat until your design is achieved. Learn to create a unique kite.

NOTE: Kite will be offered both Saturday and Sunday, but Sunday students may not have time to completely finish the kite.

Each kite will be uniquely sized due to different designs in each kite, but a general size is 30 inches wide and 60 inches tall.

Supplies Needed: Sewing machine and supplies, cutting mat, rotary cutter, long straightedge.

Kits include everything but thread!

No KITS outside of class, technique best learned in class!

COLOR CHOICE: Lots! Instructor will email each participant for color preferences.

KIT PRICE: Project is $75 US Kit includes everything but thread!

NOTE: Saturday students should have time to finish their Transition Della Porta Kite, but Sunday students will only have time to learn the piecing techniques. Completing pockets/sparing can be done later.